Graduate School of Arts and Humanities University of Bristol 5th December 2012
Our thanks to those who attended the very enjoyable and stimulating Afterlife Research Centre Network Meeting. It was an opportunity to update those present on some of the activities of ARC and its members during the past year, to draw attention to the web site and members discussion forum, and to highlight the success of Paranthropology (the journal, book and Facebook site). Our thanks also to the Arts and Humanities Graduate School at the University of Bristol, which once again provided the venue for the meeting. The main purpose of the Network Meeting was to give those present an opportunity to share what they are doing and to identify common areas of interest. We were very glad to have a mix of academics and practitioners, established academics, graduate and MA students.
Meeting outline
Welcome and update: Fiona Bowie
ARC Programmes and Website: Emily Pierini
Paranthropology; Jack Hunter
Anthropology Consciousness and Culture Seminar Series: Jack Hunter